Yeah But…


SKU: yeah-but Category:


The apostle Peter once told the first century Christians; “if you are asked about your Christian faith, always be ready to explain it.” For most of us, that’s a pretty scary thought. Nobody relishes the idea of being put on the spot or trying to explain why you believe as you do. Although that’s what God expects of us, it doesn’t have to be all that alarming. In this series, David answers the seven basic questions that unbelievers ask. That means that if we can understand how to answer these questions, we won’t have to worry about being left speechless when someone throws a zinger our way.

  • What about All the People Who’ve Never Heard of Jesus?
  • How Could Jesus Be the Only Way to God?
  • How Could a Good God Allow Innocent People to Suffer?
  • How Could Miracles be Possible?
  • Isn’t the Bible Full of Errors?
  • Isn’t Christianity Just a Crutch?
  • Won’t Living a Good Moral Life Get Me to Heaven?

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